Young's Double Slit Experiment

Thomas Young performed his famous double slit experiment which seemed to prove that light was a wave. This experiment had profound implications, determining most of nineteenth century physics and resulting in several attempts to discover the ether, or the medium of light propagation. Though the experiment is most notable with light, the fact is that this sort of experiment can be performed with any type of wave, such as water. For the moment, however, we'll focus on the behavior of light.
Thomas Young performed his famous double slit experiment which seemed to prove that light was a wave. This experiment had profound implications, determining most of nineteenth century physics and resulting in several attempts to discover the ether, or the medium of light propagation. Though the experiment is most notable with light, the fact is that this sort of experiment can be performed with any type of wave, such as water. For the moment, however, we'll focus on the behavior of light.